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South Placer Chapter Social

  • November 05, 2019
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Sierra College Veteran Resource Center, 5100 Sierra College Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95677


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South Placer Chapter Social

Guest Speaker: Maude Schellhous CCHT, CBT

Maude Schellhous founded Sacramento Hypnotherapy following completion of training as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (CCHT) in 1995. She then achieved her Certificate of Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in 1999, and has since helped thousands of people reach their goals and often achieve what they did not think was possible.

It is Maude’s belief that discovering inner wisdom holds a path to many different areas of our subconscious where we can unlock blockages that can hold us back mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. She continues to grow as a Hypnotherapist, and is most proud when her clients achieve their goals. As Sacramento Hypnotherapy has continued to grow Maude has added mentorship and training hypnotherapists into her practice by request.

Maude can be reached by phone at: (916)549-5109 or email:

Location: To view location view FB Group

Chapter socials are open to any women that have served or currently serving in the military. Socials are in a comfortable atmosphere for women veterans, including an environment that provides personal and professional development in addition to strengthening the “sisterhood”.

By virtue of registering, you understand and consent that your image may be captured by Women Veterans Alliance and used at a later time. Women Veterans Alliance retains the rights to those images.

Women Veterans Alliance
69 Lincoln Blvd. Suite A306
Lincoln, CA 95648

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