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DFW Chapter Social

  • July 25, 2019
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Palio's Pizza in McKinney at Highway 380 and Tremont Blvd.


Registration is closed

DFW Chapter Social


  1. Vision/Mission Statement (incorporating what we value) "OUR" Purpose
  2. What Talents/skills do you bring to the group i.e. what is your unique story (Your story is powerful) and how ​you want to use your talents within the group
  3. How are we going to differentiate ourselves from other Women Veterans Groups in DFW (example: Our individual stories, talents and gifts that we want to share with other Women Veterans in our communities).


To CONNECT over 2 million Women Veterans (and our supporters) globally for the PURPOSE of sharing our gifts, talents, resources and experience. We are committed to creating a community that Equips, Empowers & Encourages women that have served our country with knowledge, resources, mentorship, and career opportunities to discover & fulfill their greatest potential.


Create a community both online and off-line including local women veteran networking groups, community events and national conferences world-wide which provide opportunities to connect and grow.

Chapter socials are open to any women that have served or currently serving in the military. Socials are in a comfortable atmosphere for women veterans, including an environment that provides personal and professional development in addition to strengthening the “sisterhood”.

Women Veterans Alliance
69 Lincoln Blvd. Suite A306
Lincoln, CA 95648

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