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Greater Sacramento Monthly Social Webinar

  • May 21, 2020
  • 6:00 PM
  • ZOOM


Registration is closed

Topic: Shakritze Yoga

In Hinduism the word "Shakti" means "empowerment" or "power" and is the concept of the personification of the divine feminine creative power. ShaktiRize provides a powerful and transformative learning environment that has helped countless women step into their feminine power.

Guest Speaker: Marci Wulff

I’m originally from a small town in Utah but I’ve lived all over the place: Maui, Australia, Washington DC, Costa Rica...I really LOVE to travel, see new places and meet new people. My husband and I moved to Sacramento in 2012 to raise our two rambunctious boys and we have been part of this community ever since.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Masters in Education and was a Marine Biologist before switching tracks and getting into the health and wellness field. I have a home based business called Empowering Health (and a new one I’m starting called WomenRize). I partnered with Plexus as a brand ambassador in 2015 and have built a team of over 500 people—mostly women. Plexus was something I started to help my family with sleep, sugar cravings, weight loss, and anxiety. I never expected it to become a business, but it took off and I followed it. My goal is to help other women improve their health and wellness and if they choose, grow a strong business with a debt-free, science-based company.

I started teaching ShaktiRize in 2019 because I saw an opportunity to blend two of my favorite modalities: yoga and dance. I love the freedom of movement, the music, the uplifting core message that WE ARE ENOUGH. As women, we are so often defined by the roles that we play and ShaktiRize allows us to shed those roles and tap into our higher selves—even if it’s just for a little while. I love that this practice empowers and connects women. I love the sense of community and common purpose that is created each time a group of women comes together. I love that it addresses not only our physical wellbeing, but also our mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing too. I love it and I hope you will too!

Chapter socials are open to any women that have served or currently serving in the military. Socials are in a comfortable atmosphere for women veterans, including an environment that provides personal and professional development in addition to strengthening the “sisterhood”.

Greater Sacramento Region Director, Sevrine Banks 

By virtue of registering, you understand and consent that your image may be captured by Women Veterans Alliance and used at a later time. Women Veterans Alliance retains the rights to those images.

Women Veterans Alliance
69 Lincoln Blvd. Suite A306
Lincoln, CA 95648

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