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"What do these shoes do in addition to killing witches?"

  • June 23, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Online


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"What do these shoes do in addition to killing witches?"

Presented by: Karen Vasquez

Navy Veteran

12pm PT/3pmET

"What do these shoes do in addition to killing witches?" Dorothy could've saved us all some time if she knew what questions to ask. Upon discharge from the armed forces, every veteran gets issued an ID, a coffee mug and free men's healthcare. Veteran's Healthcare is a lifetime battle for women veterans. Half that battle is getting through the ongoing rotation through the 5 Stages of Grief while trying not to die and learning what questions to ask. The other half is keeping your body and mind from giving up. I can tell you what helped me. I don't have answers, but I will inspire you to plan for the veterans healthcare long haul, and make you laugh while doing it.

Bio: At age 18, Karen Vasquez dropped out of beauty school to see the world. Carnival Cruises wouldn't hire her, so she joined the Navy. At age 23 in a VA hospital in Madison Wisconsin, Karen was diagnosed with scleroderma and was not expected to see her 30th birthday. Now she's 50, a stand-up comedian, and boy does she have some stories.

Treat yourself to a special gift!

Add a WVA Red White & Blue Silk Scarf to your registration for $35.06 (includes tax & Priority Mail shipping)

Add What does a Woman Veteran Look Like Vol II, to your registration for $25.00 (includes tax & Priority Mail shipping)

Ten women veterans answer the question with personal stories accompanied by a distinctive portrait. The book focuses on the unique perspective of our contemporary women veterans experience and achievements. 

Donate to Women Veterans Giving to Help Us Help Her

Women Veterans Alliance
69 Lincoln Blvd. Suite A306
Lincoln, CA 95648

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