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The Power of Systemic Forgiveness

  • August 09, 2023
  • 12:00 PM
  • ZOOM


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The Power of Systemic Forgiveness

Wednesday, August 9th

12:00pm Pacific / 3:00pm Eastern 


At some point, all people will experience adversity and the response to that adversity will directly impact your relationship's success or lack thereof. This topic will challenge you to consider how you currently employ forgiveness and encourage you to champion it in the workplace and in your life. Forgiveness is not often considered or described as a strategy for success in most organizations or life. Yet, it is clearly required for effective interpersonal relationships and innovation.

Research bears out the impact forgiveness has on our health, sleep, and resilience, but very few people are exploring this wellspring of untapped energy. Dr. Allen through her research, writings, and lived experience is on a mission to share the need to choose forgiveness now!

Sharing her early Air Force stories has helped countless past audiences to understand the experience of women who serve. Come and explore how you might embrace the power of forgiveness. Allen intends to teach others the importance of forgiving self, others and even systems. Using songs, poems, and stories, this session will be one you will never forget!

Bio: Antoinette is a US veteran with nearly 30 years working in the areas of equity, human resources, logistics and leadership development. In 2018, she launched an educational consulting company to share her diverse content and experiences. Allen has held numerous leadership roles, beginning in the U.S. Air Force (retired Major), continuing as a senior manager in the Federal Bureau of Investigation before working as full-time faculty at the Office of Personnel Management's Federal Executive Institute, where she perfected the inclusion of creative arts-based learning techniques (art, dance, music, and poetry) into her design and delivery.

Antoinette is an award-winning poet, sought-after international public speaker, trainer, certified life coach, writer, and workshop facilitator known for her energy, storytelling, and facilitation of unique, passionate, thought-provoking topics. In 2020, Allen coined the term, “systemic forgiveness,” and plans to integrate this concept into mainstream leadership concepts. She considers herself a lifelong learner who completed a Ph.D. in Education, M.S. in Behavioral Science, B.A.S. in Human Resource Development, and an A.A.S. in Logistics. With a life motto of, “Keep Moving Forward,” Dr. Allen seeks to connect her audience with the necessity of not only sharing their story but making no apologies for it either! Her recently released poetry book, “Black Girl in the Mirror,” is being used by multiple organizations to help teach leaders how to conduct challenging conversations, while exploring women’s leadership perspectives.

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